Handy Controller allows you to control your media applications (music and video) without the need to unlock or even touch your device. Tired of having to unlock your device to change track? Want to skip to the next video by simply hovering over the device?Handy Controller is the answer! • WARNING: This app works only on devices that have a proximity sensor. Even if it is possible to install the app on your device, please make sure it has the mentioned sensor - Handy Controller app tells you when a gesture is detected.→ In general, the proximity sensor is located next to the speaker of the device. • Controls:→ Play→ Pause→ Stop→ Next→ Previous These controls are issued by the Handy Controller app as Headset Controls, which are supported by the majority of media apps. However, some media apps have to be configured to allow the use of these commands.Example: To use Handy Controller with Winamp, launch the Winamp app and go to Settings and enable Control headset. • NOTE: In case you have any problem, please send me an email reporting the issue and how it occurs before leaving a bad comment. This way I can try to fix it and we all get happy :) • Languages:EnglishPortuguese • Permissions Needed:GET TASKS: To get recent appsWAKE LOCK: Keeps the app running while the screen is offINTERNET: To display AddsACCESS NETWORK STATE: To display Adds • Others:→ Uses Action Bar Sherlock to display an Action Bar on pre-HONEYCOMB devices ( API 11) 手持控制器可以让你无需解锁,甚至触摸你的设备来控制您的媒体应用(音乐和视频)。厌倦了解锁您的设备,以改变轨道的?希望通过简单的鼠标悬停在该设备可跳到下一个视频?手持控制器是答案!• 警告 这个程序只适用 上具有接近传感器设备。即使有可能你的设备上安装应用程序,请确保它有提到的传感器 - 手持控制器应用程序告诉你检测到的手势时。→在一般情况下,接近传感器毗邻设备的扬声器。•控制:→播放→暂停→停止→下一步→上一页这些控件是由手持控制器应用程序作为耳机控制,这是受到了广大媒体的应用程序支持发行。然而,一些媒体应用程序必须被配置为允许使用这些命令。例子:以使用手持控制器与Winamp的,启动Winamp的应用程序,并去为设置和使控制耳机。•注意:如果您有任何问题,请给我发电子邮件报告了该问题,并在离开前一个差评是如何发生的。这样我可以尝试修复它,我们都获得快乐:)•语言:英语葡萄牙•所需权限:GET任务:获取最近的应用程序唤醒锁:保持应用程序运行时屏幕是关闭的互联网:要显示再添接入网络状态:显示再添•其他:→使用操作栏福尔摩斯来显示操作栏上的预蜂窝设备(API 11)更多