!! QR CODE scan, reader ** Provides the function to read the QR code.** This application provides information about the product's unique QR code.** Product that was registered through 'idwho' App shows information to use QR code.** QR code generated by this application need to add to the lock screen of Smartphone.** If lost smartphone, the Finder reads the QR code on the lock screen and can be contact to the owner.** Owner can leave a message on the 'memo' of the lost smartphone in the www.idwho.net after login so that the Finder can see the message. ! QR码扫描,阅读器 **提供的函数读取QR码。**此应用程序提供有关产品的独特的QR码的信息。**这是经过注册的“idwho”应用程序显示的信息使用QR码的产品。**此应用程序生成的QR码需要添加到智能手机的锁屏。**如果丢失的智能手机,在查找器读取锁屏上的QR码,并且可以接触到的所有人。**业主可以登录后留言就失去了智能手机的“备忘录”中的www.idwho.net让Finder中可以看到的消息。 更多