1. How to download and install the "成电人孔管家" APP?
Solution: Provide step-by-step instructions on how to download and install the app from an app store or official website.
2. How to create an account and log in to the "成电人孔管家" APP?
Solution: Guide the user on how to create a new account by providing necessary information, such as name, email, and password. Explain how to log in using the created credentials.
3. How to navigate and use the different features in the "成电人孔管家" APP?
Solution: Provide a user-friendly tutorial or guide within the app that explains the purpose and usage of each feature. Include visual aids or videos if necessary.
4. How to connect the GPS technology in the "成电人孔管家" APP?
Solution: Explain the importance of enabling location services on the device and guide the user on how to do so. Provide troubleshooting steps if the GPS is not functioning properly.
5. How to initiate a patrol or inspection using the "成电人孔管家" APP?
Solution: Explain the proces