Mobile Composer is a fun and easy app that lets you compose music on your tablet or phone. It has an intuitive drag and drop interface that lets you drag notes and rests from the music palette onto a grand staff. Swipe to change pages or pinch to zoom in or out. When you're done with the song, play it back or export it to a Midi file. 移动Composer是一个简单和有趣的应用程序,让你创作音乐,平板电脑或手机上。它有一个直观的拖放界面,可以让你的音乐调色板上一个盛大的员工拖动音符与休止符。刷卡改变网页,或捏放大或缩小。当你完成这首歌曲,播放或将其导出到一个MIDI文件。 更多