How would you like to learn the ancient art of reading tea leaves?Now you can, easily, with "Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves".Learn to tell your own fortune or that of others with this easy to follow App.If you could learn what the future holds for you, what would you want to know? Would you want to know about your finances, your love life, your job situation?Tea leaf reading is an art that anyone can learn with the proper instruction and that is what you will receive with Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves.Here is just some of what you will learn:- PRACTICE AND METHOD OF READING THE CUP- GENERAL THEORIES IN READING THE CUP- DIVINATION BY TEA-LEAVES AS AN AMUSEMENT AND AS A MORE SERIOUS STUDY- SOME HINTS FOR DIVINERS. REMARKABLE INSTANCES OF PROPHECY BY THE TEA-LEAVES- WRITING IN THE TEA-LEAVES. SOME FREQUENT SYMBOLS- THE "NELROS" CUP. TWO EXAMPLE READINGS OF ITS SIGNS- A DICTIONARY OF SYMBOLS- SOME COMBINATIONS OF SYMBOLS AND THEIR MEANING- SOME EXAMPLE CUPS WITH THEIR INTERPRETATIONSIt may be safely promised to those who follow the simple instructions given in this book that within a short time they will find themselves encircled by a halo of popularity. For few things provide a more certain guarantee of this than being able to "tell fortunes." Divination by tea-leaves will bring to those who study it a fund of knowledge beyond the radius of normal understanding.For those who use it as a means of amusement only, it will give pleasure which is dependent upon nothing more difficult to obtain than a cup of tea! Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves will be of real value to those who desire to be initiated into the fascinating art of reading the future in a tea-cup. Grab your FREE copy TODAY!We would like to hear any suggestions from you. You can mail to lsappsdev@gmail.com更多