Food, glorious food. Who doesn't love it!?But lets be honest... there is some seriously weird food out there."Weird Food I Have Eaten" is a fun, small, FREE app that helps you keep track of all the weird food you have eaten.There are some people who eat rotten fish (yes, on purpose) and others would run a mile from it. It's called Surströmming and it's, well, it's basically rotten Herring fish. And then we have cheese with maggots, sheep brains, pigs cheek, tripe, eel, crocodile... the list goes on and on and on. Yumm.It may be delicious, or it may make you want to throw up, either way, use this fun little app to keep track of the weird food you have eaten.Rate each food, describe it's taste, then share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.It's free, so why not download it today? ;-)更多