The NEW Q99 Live iPhone App is an amazing way to stay connected to your locally owned radio station. With this NEW and drastically IMPROVED app you can stay up to date with……. well everything! Facebook, Twitter, News, Q-Blogs, Events, Contests, Promotions, the announcers, the hottest videos photos and of course all the crazy fun things we do here at Q99. Don't forget you can also listen to the Live On-Air Stream! On top of all of that we want YOU to be a part of it all - that's right, you'll have the ability to sign-in and write on the wall, post comments photos and share almost anything in the app back to your Facebook or Twitter. Once signed-in through the app you'll also be able to create a profile, find add friends and send messages to each other right from within the app. Kind of sounds like it's own social network doesn't it? Well, that's not accident - we love social and we love to hear from our most loyal listeners and fans! This app is all about YOU! Here's a quick list of some of the NEW Q99 Live iPhone app features: - Integration with: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, Soundcloud, Foursquare, UStream, Events- Real-time news feed - Event/Location 'Checkin' ready- Maps with GPS support- Fan Wall, community sharing features- Video player with Apple TV 'Airplay' Support- Live audio AND video streaming- Push Notifications- Leader-boards- Built in QR scanner- Multi Language Support- and more, get in there and play around... Finally, for our Android friends - we have an app for them too! Just head on over to to download either or both iPhone Android apps. 的新的Q99即时的的iPhone aPP的是一个惊人的的的的方式,以留连接到您的在本地资的无线电站的。有了这个NEW“(新建)并大幅改进的的的的应用程序中,您可以每次逗留不最多,以迄今与.......以及的的一切! Facebook的,Twitter的,报“,”Q-格部落格,活动,竞赛,促销,的播音员的,最火辣的的的的视频&照片,并当然所有的疯狂的乐趣事情由我们来做在这里在Q99。不要忘了,你还可以收听到Live导-空气流中! 在顶部的所有的那,我们想要的YOU,,以成为其中的一部分它的所有 - 这是正确的,您将有能力,以签署-在,并上写上在墙上,发表评论等&的照片和份额几乎所有的东西在应用程序中的返回到您的Facebook或Twitter。 一旦签署了-在通过app,你会也将能够来创建一个的个人主页上,找到&中添加的朋友和发送给从应用程序内的消息发送,以每个其他权利。样的声音像它的自己的社交网络确实不是它吗?嗯,这是不是事故 - 我们愿意爱的社会更多的和我们所爱的,以听到从我们的的的最忠实的听众和球迷的!此的应用程序是所有关于你或者合作! 这里是一个快速的的的的的一些的NEW的Q99即时的的iPhone应用程序功能列表: - 集成与:Facebook,Twitter的,的Youtube,Flickr后,SoundCloud的,Foursquare的,USTREAM,活动- 实时-的时间市的新闻饲料- 事件/位置'登记入住'做好准备- GPS的支持的Maps与- 范长城,社区共享功能,与Apple TV的'的Airplay'的支持的的 - 视频播放器- 实时音频和视频流媒体- 推送通知- 利达-电路板- 内置在的QR扫描仪中- “多语言支持”- 以及更多,在那里得到的,并周围玩... 最后,对于下我们的Android上的朋友 - ,我们有一个应用程序为他们太!只是头部对超过,以到下载其中一项或两者兼而有之的iPhone&Android的。的应用程序。 更多