CHECK OUT ALSO THEMES FOR TOTAL LAUNCHER BY HAWAKIVI Please notice that this theme is not featuring real folding animation. ATTENTION : If you have PROBLEM / ISSUE with this theme, please EMAIL me at SEE INSTALLATION STEPS BELOW : Tested on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 --------- INSTALLATION STEPS : 1. Install ssLauncher Original : Folding Theme is a theme for ssLauncher Original. The ssLauncher Original is a paid app by other developer (CHYK), not me. So before everything,search the Google Play Store for it and install. 2. Install Folding Theme Only after ssLauncher Original installed, you can install Folding Theme. (Download from Google Play Store). 3. Launch ssLauncher Original : Launch ssLauncher Original on your device and go to Menu by pressing your device menu button, choose . 4. Make new pages : After applying the theme, please provide 6 new pages first. To make new pages, go to Menu by pressing your device menu button and scroll down then tap + button Choose Cover Page and make 5 new pages, name them : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Repeat the process to make another new page, but this time is Application Drawer page, name it : Applications. After all pages are made, change their wallpapers appropriately (Portrait and Landscape) - go to Menu by pressing your device menu button - scroll down - tap the icon above the pencil icon - select the desired wallpapers as per their orientation : file 1.png to Page 1 Portrait --- 1 Landscape.png to Page 1 Landscapefile 2.png to Page 2 Portrait --- 2 Landscape.png to Page 2 Landscapefile 3.png to Page 3 Portrait --- 3 Landscape.png to Page 3 Landscapefile 4.png to Page 4 Portrait --- 4 Landscape.png to Page 4 Landscapefile 5.png to Page 5 Portrait --- 5 Landscape.png to Page 5 Landscapefile 1.png to Page Applications Portrait --- 1 Landscape.png to Page Applications Landscape You have total 6 pages now. 5. Apply a layout in a page : – Long press the free area of the page.– Select Load Template– Select Cover Page– Set layouts to match the pages : Template 1 ----to---- Page 1Template 2 ----to---- Page 2Template 3 ----to---- Page 3Template 4 ----to---- Page 4Template 5 ----to---- Page 5- If you're asked to fit layout to page width, choose . It's because Android devices vary in so many screen sizes. 6. Tap the widgets to load them automatically. If this way does not work, try to install them manually from Google Play Store : Weather widget : Eye in The Sky Tim Clark (Please be advised that the widget on screenshots belong to their respective developers. Not me. You may have to download and install them separately from Google Play Store and refer all widgets settings respectively) 7. The green tabs can be changed into other colors :), some colors are preset in Style, please have fun with them.(Long press the tab and choose Edit - Style - scroll and choose another tab color - Apply Setting.) 8. Lock the screen after all to avoid accidental layout setting : Go to Menu by pressing your device menu button and tap the lock symbol on the left bottom. DONE If you still find this not clear, you may want to check the ssLauncher Original official site. They also provide the general tutorial there. --------------------- (Thanks to ChYK - ssLauncher Developer) 退房还的主题总LAUNCHER BY HAWAKIVI 请注意,这个主题并不具有真正的折叠动画。 注意:如果你有问题/与这个主题,请给我发电子邮件,在。 请参阅安装步骤进行: 测试上三星Galaxy Note 2 ---------安装步骤: 1.安装ssLauncher原文: 折叠主题是一个主题为ssLauncher原件。该ssLauncher原来是由其他开发商(CHYK)付费的应用程序,而不是我。所以一切之前,你必须有你的设备上首次安装了ssLauncher原件。如果你还没有,搜索谷歌Play商店为它安装。 2.安装折叠主题 安装ssLauncher原来只有后,您可以安装折叠主题。 (下载从谷歌Play商店)。 3.启动ssLauncher原文: 您的设备上运行ssLauncher原件,按设备的菜单键进入菜单,选择“主题”,然后点“应用主题包”。然后选择折叠主题。系统将提示您清除字体和图像,选择“是”。 4.新页面: 应用该主题后,请首先提供6个新的网页。 为了使新的页面,进入菜单,按设备的菜单按钮,向下滚动,然后点击+按钮 选择封面,使5个新的网页,他们的名字:1,2,3,4,5。 重复这个过程再拍新的一页,但这次是应用程序抽屉页面,将其命名为:应用。 按设备的菜单键进入菜单 - - 毕竟页制成,适当地改变自己的壁纸(纵向和横向)向下滚动 - 点击上面的铅笔图标的图标 - 选择想要的壁纸按他们的方向: 文件1.png第1页肖像--- 1 Landscape.png第1页景观文件2.png第2页肖像--- 2 Landscape.png第2页景观文件3.png第3页肖像--- 3 Landscape.png第3页景观文件4.png第4页肖像--- 4 Landscape.png第4页景观文件5.png第5页肖像--- 5 Landscape.png第5页景观文件1.png页应用肖像--- 1 Landscape.png页应用景观 您共有6页了。 5.将布局在一个页面: - 长按页的自由区。- 选择Load模板- 选择封面- 设置布局相匹配的网页: 模板1 ----以----第1页模板2 ----至----第2页模板3 ----至----第3页模板4 ----以----第4页模板5 ----至----第5页- 如果你问,以适应布局页面宽度,选择“是”。这是因为Android设备的变化在这么多的屏幕尺寸。 6.点击窗口小部件自动加载它们。如果这种方法不行,请尝试从谷歌Play商店手动安装: 天气小工具:天眼提姆 - 克拉克 (请注意,在屏幕的小部件均归其各自的开发者。不是我。你可能需要下载和谷歌分别进行安装Play商店,并参考各部件的设置分别为) 7.绿色标签可以改成其他颜色:),某些颜色被预置在样式,请与他们的乐趣。(长按选项卡,然后选择编辑 - 风格 - 滚动,并选择其他选项卡的颜色 - 应用设置) 8.毕竟锁定屏幕,以避免意外的布局设置: 进入菜单按设备的菜单按钮,然后点击左侧底部的锁标志。 DONE 如果你还是觉得这个不太清楚,你可能要检查的ssLauncher原始官方网站。他们还提供了通用教程那里。 --------------------- (感谢ChYK - ssLauncher开发) 更多