CHECK OUT ALSO THEMES FOR TOTAL LAUNCHER BY HAWAKIVI - TESTED ON SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 2 - Make your Android Phone looks like a novel with this theme! It is a 6 pages story novel! And there are 3 paper styles! (Available for Portrait Only) Please leave comments / rate if you like it send me emails for critics and icons shortcut request :) (Please see instructions below to set the theme into desired styles) 1. Requirements : - Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) or up. - ssLauncher Original app installed. INSTALATION INSTRUCTION 1. Install ssLauncher Original : Novel Theme is a theme for ssLauncher Original. The ssLauncher Original is a paid app by other developer (CHYK), so before everything, go to and install it. 2. Install Novel Theme Only after ssLauncher Original installed, you can install The Novel Theme. (Download from Google Play Store). 3. Launch ssLauncher Original : Launch ssLauncher Original on your device and go to Menu by pressing your device menu button, choose . 4. Make new pages : After applying the theme, please provide 6 new pages first, because you will apply 6 layouts on each new pages. To make new pages, go to Menu by pressing your device menu button and scroll down and tap + button. Name the pages as you like and repeat the process until you have 6 new pages. 5. Change the wallpaper for each page to the novel look wallpaper : Go to Menu by pressing your device menu button and choose a picture symbol above the pencil symbol aside each page. And choose the wallpaper for each page. 6. Apply a layout in a page : – Long press the free area of the page.– Select Load Template– Select Cover Page– Set layout just like the screenshots displayed on my Google Play Store. (Slide to select and tap to choose)- If you're asked to fit layout to page width, choose yes. It's because Android devices vary in so many screen size. 6. Lock the screen after all to avoid accidental layout setting : Go to Menu by pressing your device menu button and tap the lock symbol on the left bottom. If you still find this not clear, you may want to check the ssLauncher Original official site. They also provide the tutorial in general there. Suggestion : Add some widgets to enrich your homescreen! This theme blends good with these widgets!! : 1. Beautiful Widget2. Minimalistic Text3. Chrome Clock Widget4. Network Signal Info Widget5. Calendar Widget (Please be advised that the widgets above belong to their respective developers. Not me. You may have to download and install them separately from Google Play Store and refer all widgets settings respectively as well) If you have any suggestion and critics, please email me at : (Thanks to CHYK - ssLauncher Developer) 退房还的主题总LAUNCHER BY HAWAKIVI - 测试了三星Galaxy Note 2 - 让你的Android手机看起来像这个主题一个新的!它是一个6页故事新颖!有3个文件的样式! (可用于人像专用) 请留下评论/率,如果你喜欢它 - 给我的电子邮件批评家和图标快捷方式的要求:) (请参见下面的说明,设置主题为所需的样式) 1,要求: - Android操作系统2.2(升级Froyo)或向上。 - ssLauncher原始应用程序安装。 安装目录指令 1.安装ssLauncher原文: 小说的主题是一个主题为ssLauncher原件。该ssLauncher原来是由其他开发商(CHYK)付费的应用程序,所以一切之前,你必须有你的设备上首次安装ssLauncher原件。如果你还没有,去并安装它。 2.安装新主题 安装ssLauncher原来只有后,就可以安装新的主题。 (下载从谷歌Play商店)。 3.启动ssLauncher原文: 您的设备上运行ssLauncher原件,按设备的菜单键进入菜单,选择“主题”,然后点“应用主题包”。然后选择新主题。系统将提示您清除字体和图像,选择“是”。 4.新页面: 应用该主题后,请提供6个新页第一,因为你将适用6的布局上每一个新的页面。为了使新的页面,进入菜单,按设备的菜单按钮,然后向下滚动并轻按+按钮。只要你喜欢,重复这个过程,直到你有6个新的页面命名的网页。 5.改变墙纸的每一页的小说看壁纸: 进入菜单按设备的菜单按钮,并选择上面的铅笔符号放在一边每一页的图像符号。并选择墙纸的每一页。 6.将布局在一个页面: - 长按页的自由区。- 选择Load模板- 选择封面- 设置布局就像在我的谷歌显示的截图Play商店。 (幻灯片,选择并点击选择)- 如果你问,以适应布局页面宽度,选择yes。这是因为Android设备的变化在这么多的屏幕大小。 6.毕竟锁定屏幕,以避免意外的布局设置: 进入菜单按设备的菜单按钮,然后点击左侧底部的锁标志。 如果你还是觉得这个不太清楚,你可能要检查的ssLauncher原始官方网站。他们还提供了教程一般有。 建议:添加一些小部件来丰富您的主屏幕! 这个主题很好的融合与这些小部件! : 1.美丽的小工具2.简约文本3.铬时钟小工具4.网络信号信息的Widget5.日历空间 (请注意,上面的小部件均归其各自的开发者。不是我。你可能需要下载和谷歌分别进行安装Play商店,并参考各部件的设置分别为好) 如果您有任何的建议和批评,请给我发电子邮件在: (感谢CHYK - ssLauncher开发) 更多