*Root is required, no question* *Does not work with Android 5.0 Lollipop*The reason why root is required is because I have to make one particular call via the shell that you cannot normally do with normal Android SDK broadcast intent capabilities. This is a super simple app that enables and disables the Car Dock function. Once given the super user permission, you can just tap on the app in your app drawer or leave it as an app on your homescreen that sort of doubles as a 1x1 widget but as an app icon. Do not disable the car dock mode from the system notification, it will cause rotation to stick until reboot. This is a system provided notification that disables car dock . Tested and working DevicesNexus 5 w/ Android 4.4.2Galaxy Nexus w/ Android 4.3Droid Incredible w/ Android 4.0.4 *根是必需的,毫无疑问* 的*不与Android 5.0棒棒糖工作* 为什么根须的原因是因为我通过你不能正常与普通的Android SDK广播意图的能力做的外壳,使一个特定的电话。这是一个超级简单的应用程序,允许和禁止的汽车码头的功能。一旦给出了超级用户权限,你可以只需轻按上的应用程序在你的应用程序抽屉里,或把它作为你的主屏幕上的应用程序类型的双打作为一个1x1小部件,但作为一个应用程序图标。不要禁用从系统的通知车停靠模式时,它会导致旋转坚持,直到重新启动。这是一个系统提供的通知禁用车停靠“不正确”。测试和工作设备Nexus的5W /安卓4.4.2Galaxy Nexus的瓦特/安卓4.3Droid难以置信瓦特/安卓4.0.4更多