Start banking wherever you are with Legacy Bank and Trust Company! Available to all Legacy Bank and Trust Company online banking customers, Legacy Bank and Trust Company Mobile allows you to check balances, view history, and make transfers Available features include: Accounts- Check your latest account balance and search recent transactions by date, amount, or check number. Transfers- Easily transfer cash between your accounts. (Standard mobile web fees may apply. Please contact your mobile carrier for more information) 开始无论你是银行与传统银行和信托投资公司!提供给所有的传统银行和信托投资公司网上银行客户,传统银行和信托投资公司移动允许您查询余额,查看历史记录,并进行转账 提供的功能包括: 帐户- 检查你的账户余额和搜索最近交易的日期,金额,或检查数量。 转让- 轻松您的帐户之间转移现金。 (标准移动网络可能需要支付费用的更多信息,请联系您的移动运营商)。 更多