A Koan is a story, dialogue, question, or statement, which is used in Zen-practice to provoke the , and test a student's progress in Zen practice. * Many koans in English translation for your reading and practice.* Fullscreen mode.* Easy and simple to use layout with page animations.* Choose from a wide variety of customisable themes.* Small lightweight size.* Contains advertisements from www.webdefine.co.uk and other companies For support of this application please either email info@webdefine.co.uk or visit www.webdefine.co.uk 一个公案是一个故事,对话,问题或陈述,这是用来在禅宗实践挑起“大疑问”,并测试在禅宗实践学生的进步。 *许多公案中英文翻译您的阅读和实践。*全屏模式。*容易和简单易用的布局与网页动画。*选择从各种各样的定制主题。*小型轻量的大小。*包含从www.webdefine.co.uk等公司的广告 为了支持这个应用程序,请电邮任的info@webdefine.co.uk或访问www.webdefine.co.uk 更多