Use the stones to collect the stars.Gravel only move if you collide with the ball. Ball only move if you pull up with your finger. So simple. No it isn't! There are 2*18 level in the game the first eigh ( called brown soil) is eisier but not easy. You can do it?The second eigh level (called loam soil) are the hard levels. Only proffesionals can do it. Are you a pro?Toss the stones to the stars, with the ball.Gravel & Stars:Brown soil contain 18 level.Loam soil contain 18 level too.other levels are comming soon!IFun fact about the Gravel & Stars: The idea come from a dream i mean real dream. The developer when woke up think he has a good game idea. He had right? :)Coming soon the next levels! Are you looking forward to? Until, try another game from us.Search on Oliver's Game!Please write if you discover any bug in the Gravel & Stars game or if you have any comment! :)JOIN OUR COMMUNITY!• FACEBOOK:• TWITTER:• INSTAGRAM:更多