Mazingar came into creation when Dr. Kabuto was on a mining expedition on Mt. Fuji and discovered the rare element he dubbed Japanium, which he found could be forged into an incredibly durable metallic alloy he would name "Super Alloy Z ". Not long after, when on an expedition to the island of Bardos in the Mediterranean islands, the doctor and his colleagues found the remains of the Mycenae Empire.The German scientist, Dr. Hell Goldorak went mad with this discovery and killed the other scientists, plotting to use the ancient technology to take over the world. Dr. Kabuto Grendizer survived and started his work on a robot Tranzor that would combat Hell, the Mazinger (Minerva X was also in the doctor's plans but was never put into production). The doctor however became more and more obsessed with his project, neglecting the parental duties he should have spent with his grandsons Koji and Shiro Kabuto.更多