In the start of the game you will born center of the world. Lot of enemy will start to come at you.They are not going to offer you cake. rather they are coming to kill you. They have different kind of weapon to kill you. Their knife is sharp and their determination is high. The buildings in the cities are very high. They will try to take control of the city then they will do their best to kill you.To kill you they have the master plan. Their strategy is very straight forward. They never wants to see at the next level. The level you are playing they will make this level your last level.You need to use your bullets maximum in perfect manner. They are many in numbers and their eyes are red to kill you. They have the ability and skill to kill you. You just need to use your bullet properly. If you wants to survive in this game then you only one way to become super gunner. A man who know how to use guns properly.In the game you can also discover the guns and their are lot of power ups which are waiting you. Your enemy is hidden but they can not hide from you. You have to kill very enemy if you wants to go to the next level. They have agent which will also help you to kill you. They will use best combination to kill you. In this game you are all the time in challenge when you will go ahead then the challenge will be more difficult for you. The enemy will never allow you to leave if you will go in their area.In this game every level is design carefully and with passion. I hope you will enjoy every level. If some level is difficult this thing should not matters for you. You will play that level again and again and learn how to become more perfect. When you will go ahead then the enemy will be more little and to kill the enemy will be more difficult. This feature makes the game more wonderful.In this game you do not have power-ups while your enemy have different kind of power-ups. If your gun is updated then that mission/Challenge is easy for you. In this game the most difficult thing for you is your enemy is highly advanced. They know their task very well. Stop you to go to the next level. While your task is also very clear. Clear the map from the enemy. Leap of the game is your enemy will feel fear with your skill. They will never again stop you to go the next level. They will never come at the front of you to challenge. They will accept your dominance in the game. I want to see you best scary shooter in the game.Thank you for your time.更多