New players of the mobile game "超凡戰神" (Super Divine War) may encounter the following problems:
1. Understanding the game background: Some players may find it difficult to grasp the storyline and the significance of the battle between gods. The solution is to provide a clear and concise introduction to the game's background at the beginning, possibly through a tutorial or in-game dialogues.
2. Mastering the combat mechanics: The game's flashy combat scenes and complex skill combinations may overwhelm new players. To address this, a comprehensive tutorial or a series of beginner quests can be implemented to gradually introduce the combat mechanics and skills.
3. Navigating the game world: With the vast world of "万神大陆" (Ten Thousand Gods Continent), players may get lost or struggle to find their objectives. A mini-map and quest markers can be added to assist players in finding their way. Additionally, a guide or mentor system where experienced players can offer assistance to newcomers